Who knew vegan chocolate could be so amazing!
I'm trying to move to a more plant based diet and one of the things I thought I'd never be able to give up was chocolate - I'm such a chocolate addict!
I came across this vegan chocolate ("Vivani" made in Germany) when I was ordering my veg box from Green Earth Organics (www.greenearthorganics.ie) and thought I'd give it a try but my expectations were very low.
So I was very surprised and absolutely delighted to discover that it is totally delicious. If you like dark chocolate, you will love this! It’s better than "Green and Blacks" - I kid you not. I actually can't taste the difference and would certainly not know it was vegan and that's coming from a chocolate connoisseur!
As a major bonus, all the packaging is eco friendly too. The film is made from sustainable wood and can go in the garden compost. The cardboard is FSC certified and the printing inks are mineral oil free! There is no child labour on the cocoa cultivation either (honestly, I wasn’t even aware that was something I should be worried about).
My only recommendation is to buy more than 1 bar, as it will disappear quickly. For the purposes of research (of course!) I think I'll have to sample the entire range.
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