Declutter your pantry to reduce food waste and save money
When areas of my life are cluttered it stresses me out immensely! The one area of my house that I generally have unilateral control over is the pantry (apart from the category of hot sauces where my husband likes to contribute generously!). It’s recently got a bit crowded and so the decluttering has begun. This is also a great way to reduce your food waste by making sure nothing goes out of date, while also saving you money.
The first category I’m tackling is “Beans and Pulses”. I mainly buy these dried as they are so much nicer cooked at home rather than out of a can. However, you will see that I have a few cans in there too, as they are handy when time is short and the fridge runs low.
I came across a Roasted Tomato and White Bean Stew in the New York Times Cooking, so I’m going to try that out as it’s a white bean agnostic recipe. It’s rated 5 star by almost 12,000 people, so I’m very sure it’s good enough for a midweek dinner in this house!
Once I've tried out this and other recipes, I'll do a separate post and will put the link up below to the ones that were a hit. Watch this space!

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