All you need to know about switching to Ecosia
Ecosia is a search engine based in Germany. It donates 100% of its profits to charity, with 80% used to support tree-planting projects. Ecosia is a certified B Corp and as of July 2022, the company has planted more than 155 million trees. Their goal is to plant 1 billion trees around the world.
It is also a privacy friendly search engine so it doesn’t create personal profiles based on search history, all searches are anonymised after 1 week. They don’t sell your data, your searches are encrypted, they don’t use external tracking tools (like google analytics) and you can turn off their tracking if you wish.
The following link gives you more information and a link to help you to easily switch your search engine on your computer to Ecosia:
How to use Ecosia on a MAC:
Make Ecosia your default browser on your iPhone
Changing your iPhone search engine and web browser to Ecosia
For instructions on changing the search engine and web browser on your iPhone to Ecosia see here:
Switching your search engine on your phone or computer is super easy and everything just works as normal, except you will be using Ecosia rather than Google or whatever the default was.
If you want to go the whole hog and switch your web browser (as well as your search engine) on your phone just be warned that your passwords won’t autofill. So the first time you use a web account on the Ecosia browser you may have to login with your password. As an aside, if you’re a Wordle fan you’ll also start with a clean slate in terms of your stats, which could be a good or a bad thing!
And finally in case you have any doubts, here are 50 reasons to use Ecosia:
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